Latest Past Events

Archaeology in the Pub – 28 February 2024

The White Cockatoo 30 Terminus Street, Petersham

Archaeology in the Pub is back! This time, we are heading to the Inner West. Come and join us for a low-key event for archaeologists, including students, researchers and consultants, to catch up and enjoy each other’s company over a drink (or two). As a bonus, Wednesday at the White Cockatoo is Trivia night. There […]

ASHA Archaeology in the Museum and the Pub – 30 August 2023

Australian Museum 1 William Street, Darlinghurst

Archaeology in the Pub is back! This time, we are first sojourning at the Australian Museum for their Night at the Museum event, and will then head to the nearby Slims Rooftop bar for food and more drinks. Finger food will be provided, but you will have to buy your own drinks. The ASHA Archaeology in […]

Archaeology in the Pub – Hobart, Tasmania

The Duke Of Wellington Pub 192 Macquarie Street, Hobart

An archaeology event (in-person and online) hosted by Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology and the Tasmanian Heritage Council being held in Hobart. Grab a pint and join us for a series of talks exploring a range of topics relating to recent archaeological investigations and projects being undertaken in lutruwita/Tasmania. The talks are being co-hosted by […]