UPCOMING EVENT: Looking Back, Looking Forward

As part of La Trobe University’s 50th Anniversary celebrations, you are warmly invited to ‘Looking back, looking forward for La Trobe Archaeology.’ This day-long event will bring together students, staff, alumni and others over four sessions to connect past and present members, showcase La Trobe Archaeology’s research and capabilities, and build pathways for future work opportunities and research-industry collaborations.

The first session will be a panel discussion on career pathways by alumni. The second will include discussion and demonstration of La Trobe Archaeology’s research capabilities and cutting-edge technologies, and how they can facilitate research-industry collaborations. The third session will comprise a conversation with Emeritus Professor David Frankel, Emeritus Professor Jim Allen and Professor Susan Lawrence. In the final session, past and present members and others will have the opportunity to meet and reconnect over light refreshments.

At the conclusion of the day, an informal dinner will be held at The Eagle bar, La Trobe University.

Date: Friday 19th May 2017 (National Archaeology Week 2017)
Time: 9am-5pm
Venue: West Lecture Theatre 2, La Trobe University (Bundoora campus)

Please note that the day event is free, but registration is essential via https://latrobe.onestopsecure.com/onestopweb/LTUEv/tran?tran-type=7145

Session 1: Alumni reflections on working in archaeology and cultural heritage management
This session will comprise a panel of alumni from La Trobe Archaeology who will offer their experiences and insights on building a career and working in different spheres of archaeology and cultural heritage, from undergraduate studies to government agencies, archaeological consulting companies, museums, universities, heritage councils, international scientific advisory bodies and beyond.

Session 2: La Trobe Archaeology now – building research-industry collaborations
This session will showcase La Trobe Archaeology’s research capabilities, and discuss how cutting-edge technologies at La Trobe Archaeology can encourage detailed, multifaceted and collaborative approaches to investigating, visualising and preserving our past.

Session 3: A conversation with Emeritus Professor David Frankel, Emeritus Professor Jim Allen and Professor Susan Lawrence
This conversation with Emeritus Professor David Frankel, Emeritus Professor Jim Allen and Professor Susan Lawrence will focus on past, present and future directions of La Trobe Archaeology, and the challenges and opportunities that face students, researchers and professionals in archaeology and cultural heritage management.

Session 4: Looking forward – developing work opportunities and collaborations
The final session provides the opportunity for students, staff, alumni and others to meet, reconnect and create work opportunities and collaborations over light refreshments. Professionals and researchers working in different areas of archaeology and cultural heritage management will also be available for one-on-one discussions about graduate opportunities and research projects.

We would also like to ask if you would like to share any photographs for use in a slideshow at the event, which will be reflecting on students and their experiences at La Trobe, both past and present.