‘Head in the Cloudlands – is there too much idealism in heritage?” The Trust Talks, our speaker series aiming at opening the doors for innovation, collaboration and celebration of our heritage, is going underground into the Springhill Reservoir in December. The evening will include the opportunity to network with friends and colleagues, drinks on arrival, cheese platters and canapes, the debate, and an exclusive Christmas performance from the Underground Opera in the Reservoir! This is an event not to be missed.
In the days before adequate protection for heritage places was introduced, The National Trust of Australia (Queensland) was once known as the community group who stopped development – their arsenal was picket lines, protests and rallies. Fast forward two decades and Queensland now has statutory heritage registers, a statewide Heritage Council and requirements to ensure that the demolition of heritage such as ‘Cloudlands’ could never happen again. But does the heritage industry have its head in the Cloudlands? Are we at risk of being left off the negotiation table if we rigidly stick to stringent guidelines? In our quest for heritage protection, have we lost sight of the bigger picture and is this detrimental to our cause?
The Trust Talks: The Debate brings together 4 renowned experts and advocates to debate this timely topic, including: Dr Meredith Walker, Dr Andrew Sneddon, Christina Cho and Jane Alexander.
Thursday 7th December, 5pm for a 6pm start. For further information and ticketing, go to: www.nationaltrust.org.au/event/the-trust-talks-the-debate/