- Peter Petchey | The archaeological interpretation of the New Zealand stamp mill
- Madeline Fowler, Amy Roberts, Jennifer McKinnon, Clem O’Loughlin and Fred Graham | They camped here always’: ‘archaeologies of attachment’ in a seascape context at Wardang Island (Waraldi/Wara-dharldhi) and Point Pearce Peninsula (Burgiyana), South Australia
- Ian Smith and Naomi Woods | Artefacts, history and assemblage formation at Te Hoe whaling station, New Zealand
- Don Ranson | A nineteenth-century hay rope from Hobart, Tasmania
- Sarah Hayes | A doomed business: the material culture of Ann Jones and the Glenrowan Inn
- Geraldine Mate | Streets and stamper batteries – an ‘industrial’ landscape of gold mining townships in nineteenth-century Queensland
Research Reports
- Aleisha Buckler | St Lawrence archaeological project: background, progress and future directions
- Jonathan Prangnell and Irene Howe | The lost mausoleum of Matthew Goggs
- Annette Oertle, Matthew Leavesley, Sean Ulm, Geraldine Mate and Daniel Rosendahl | At the margins: archaeological evidence for Macassan activities in the South Wellesley Islands, Gulf of Carpentaria

- Alister Bowen | Review of Gaye Nayton, The Archaeology of Market Capitalism: A Western Australian Perspective
- Peter Davies | Review of James Symonds, Anna Badcock and Jeff Oliver (editors), Historical Archaeologies of Cognition: Explorations into Faith, Hope and Charity
- James L. Flexner | Review of A. José Farrujia de la Rosa, An Archaeology of the Margins: Colonialism, Amazighity, and Heritage Management in the Canary Islands
- Susan Piddock | Review of Peter Davies, Penny Crook and Tim Murray, An Archaeology of Institutional Confinement: The Hyde Park Barracks, 1848–1886
- Andrew Sneddon | Review of Ian A. Todd (with a contribution by Jonathan Mitchell), Vasilikos Valley Project 12: The Field Survey of the Vasilikos Valley, Volume III – Human Settlement in the Vasilikos Valley
Other material