ASHA publishes an annual, peer-reviewed academic journal Australasian Historical Archaeology. In addition, ASHA publishes monographs and occasional papers from time to time.
In 2008 ASHA launched a new monograph series, Studies in Australasian Historical Archaeology to encourage greater public access to the results of major research and consultancy investigations. Published by Sydney University Press in association with ASHA, eight volumes have been published to date, with several more in preparation. The first five volumes are now available for open access through Sydney University Press. Several volumes are also available to purchase from the ASHA online shop.
Apart from Studies in Australasian Historical Archaeology, ASHA also has in print a range of other titles which you can explore and purchase through this website.

Archival publications

This website also makes available selected titles from the ASHA archives. The society has been publishing on historical archaeology since the 1970s. From 1970 to 2016, the society published a newsletter. All extant archives of this newsletter have been digitised with the exception of some printed membership lists, which were excluded for privacy. Between 1987 and 1992, the society published a range of short reports as Research Bulletins.
The society has also published a range of monographs and edited volumes. The first five publications were in the series Studies in Historical Archaeology. From 1976 the society published a number of occasional papers and stand-alone volumes. Many of these have also been digitised and are available online from this website.
These out of print publications are made available here to aid students, professionals and anyone looking for information about historical archaeology in the Australasian region. However, please remember that in many ways these publications reflect the infancy of historical archaeology in Australia.