- Gretel Boswijk and Duncan Munro | Making productive space from sawmill waste: timber production and reclamation at Kohukohu, Northland, New Zealand (1879–1912)
- Stephen Muller | Colonial experiences of death, burial and memorialisation in West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide: applying a phenomenological approach to cultural landscapes in historical archaeology
- Penny Crook, Richard Mackay and Parry Kostoglou | Building colonial histories: the archaeology of the Menzies Centre site, Hobart
- Fiona Starr | An archaeology of improvisation: convict artefacts from Hyde Park Barracks, Sydney, 1819–1848
- Brett J. Stubbs and Jane Gardiner | ‘A subtle and evasive thing’: mercury refining in northern New South Wales in the early twentieth century
- John Pickard | Stone walls near Jindabyne NSW: European fences, not Aboriginal stone arrangements
Research Reports
- Sean Winter and Tom Whitley | The Fremantle Prison Project
- Jonathan Prangnell and Linda Terry | White granite in Brisbane
- Rebecca Mirams | Review of Brad Duncan and Martin Gibbs, Please God Send Me a Wreck: Responses to Shipwreck in a 19th Century Australian Community.
- Melissa Dunk | Review of Adrian Praetzellis, Archaeological Theory in a Nutshell.
- Thesis Abstracts
- Richard Mackay | Obituary – James Semple Kerr
- Index of Volumes 1–32 (1983–2014), compiled by Peter Davies
- Notes on contributors
- ASHA Monograph Series
- Information for Contributors
- General information about ASHA
- Back cover