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ARTEFACT OF THE MONTH: Broad Fall Trousers, CUB2 Melbourne

These trousers are some of the more complete textiles items recovered during the 2017 Alpha Archaeology excavation of the former Carlton United Brewery (CUB2) complex in Swanston Street, Carlton. When excavated, they appeared to be sandwiched between wooden floor boards and a mid-19th century cesspit deposit. Their original condition, was described by the CUB2 conservator […]

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UPCOMING EVENT: Annual Archaeologists Picnic, Sydney

You are cordially invited to the Twelfty-Eleventh Annual Archaeologists’ Picnic (AAP). Sunday 17th December 2017, 1pm. Enmore Park (bounded by Enmore Rd, Victoria Rd, Llewellyn St, and Black St) Marrickville, Sydney. Bring your family, friends, pets. Bring a plate. In case of inclement weather, the honourable organising committee suggest you go to the pub instead

UPCOMING EVENT: Annual Archaeologists Picnic, Sydney Read More »

UPCOMING EVENT: Greater Shepparton Heritage Open Day

On Saturday 28 October, the Greater Shepparton City Council and their Heritage Advisory Committee will be hosting an open day. The day aims to create awareness and understanding of the Greater Shepparton diverse and unique range of heritage places. There are three ways to visit the sites: bus tours, walking tours and independent visiting. This

UPCOMING EVENT: Greater Shepparton Heritage Open Day Read More »

HERITAGE NEWS: National Trust (QLD) Advocacy Committee

Expressions of Interest are being sought by the National Trust (Queensland) for the Heritage Advocacy Committee. The committee exists to assist the National Trust board achieve its advocacy objectives for Queensland heritage – natural, built and cultural. The Advocacy Committee, is calling for up 6 new Committee members. The following information details the background, the

HERITAGE NEWS: National Trust (QLD) Advocacy Committee Read More »

Key Concepts in Public Archaeology: Free PDF access

UCL Press is delighted to announce a brand new open access textbook that may be of interest to list subscribers: Key Concepts in Public Archaeology. The book can be downloaded for free as a PDF and app, read online for free, and purchased in paperback and hardback. Free PDF download/app/enhanced online edition HERE This book

Key Concepts in Public Archaeology: Free PDF access Read More »


One of the most significant finds from the 2002 Casselden Place, Melbourne, archaeological investigations (50 Lonsdale Street) was a medal struck to commemorate the Cessation of Convict Transportation (see images below, source: GML Heritage). The medal commemorates not only the victory of the anti-transportation movement but also the 50th anniversary of the founding of Tasmania

ARTEFACT OF THE MONTH: ‘The Hated Stain’ Read More »

ASHA NEWS: Victorian Heritage Strategy

The Heritage Council of Victoria is considering the feasibility of preparing a new ‘Victorian Heritage Strategy’. The previous strategy – Victoria’s Heritage: Strengthening Our Communities – operated between 2006 and 2010, but in the period since there have been significant changes, which provide the context for considering a new Heritage Strategy. Mackay Strategic (Richard Mackay)

ASHA NEWS: Victorian Heritage Strategy Read More »

UPCOMING EVENT: Auckland Heritage Festival

The Auckland Heritage Festival is on from 30 September to 15 October. This spring, hit the streets and waterways to discover the stories and secrets of Auckland’s heritage! For more details, including details about upcoming walks, talks, workshops, exhibitions and entertainment, please see: http://www.heritagefestival.co.nz/

UPCOMING EVENT: Auckland Heritage Festival Read More »

ASHA NEWS: Parramatta Walking Tour

Following our first reading group event (with the theme of interpreting historical archaeology) in August, ASHA will host a casual/informal walking tour of Parramatta on Saturday, the 23rd September. This will be a chance to have a look around at some interpretive displays of historical archaeology. Perhaps some food for thought for the upcoming conference

ASHA NEWS: Parramatta Walking Tour Read More »