This workshop is being organised by the Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology with the support of Australia ICOMOS and the Heritage Division, Office of Environment and Heritage. The venue is provided courtesy of Property NSW.
Historical documents: maps, plans and images
This session will:
- look at how and why we do Land Titles research in archaeology
- involve an online workshop on how to do Land Titles research and its value in understanding archaeological sites.
- provide an understanding of historic images and plans
- look at methods for overlaying maps and plans
Archaeological Research Questions and Assessing Significance
This session considers how we construct archaeological research designs and formulate questions to better understand the archaeological resource. This will include consideration of how these questions fit with assessing archaeological significance within a framework of the 2009 guidelines
Working in different statutory environments
This session provides an overview of the statutory planning environments that archaeologists work in, in NSW. It will look at assessing heritage and archaeology for State Significant Development and Infrastructure projects including:
- the role of an archaeological assessment in the Environmental Impact Statement and the approvals process
- managing risk for your clients (costs, time delays, etc.)
- archaeological obligations under the NSW Heritage Act, 1977
Workshop Presenters
- Dr Mary Casey, President, ASHA and Director, Casey & Lowe
- Dr James Flexner, Lecturer in Historical Archaeology and Heritage, University of Sydney
- Dr Terry Kass, Historian and heritage consultant
- Dr Siobhan Lavelle, Senior Team Leader, Heritage Division, Office of Environment and Heritage
- Mr Nicholas Pitt, Webmaster, ASHA, postgraduate student and independent heritage practitioner.
- Ms Kylie Seretis, Director, Casey & Lowe
- Dr Iain Stuart , Vice – President, ASHA and Partner, JCIS Consultants
ASHA/ ICOMOS Members $110
Student ASHA/ ICOMOS Members $ 55
Non – Member $160
Student Non – Member $ 80
Big Dig Centre, YHA Cumberland Street, The Rocks
Date/ Time
Friday 20 April 2018, 9am to 5pm
ASHA encourages the participation of archaeological and heritage consultants seeking to improve their archaeological assessment and research skills and understanding of the current legislative frameworks .
For more information and to book see: