The ASHA Blog Editor and the ASHA Committee would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the ASHA Blog.
The blog replaces the long-running ASHA Newsletter as a way for members to receive information regarding Australasian Historical Archaeology. It aims to encourage the sharing of information between ASHA members, members of the wider archaeological community, and the general public. The blog contains information regarding archaeological research, excavations and upcoming events, and will be the platform for posting our Artefact of the Month articles.
Each post will be tagged with topics as appropriate, and visitors to the blog can search using these tags under the Recent Postssection on the left hand side of the page. As yet, this option is not available for mobile devices. These tags include the region which the post refers to, as well as various broad topics, for example ‘Glass’ or ‘Research’.
Visitors can also subscribe to receive updates about the ASHA Blog at the bottom of the blog page.
We hope that you enjoy reading up-to-date information via our blog. If you wish to make a submission, please email your regional representative (the details of which are found here) or by emailing the Editor at: [email protected]
Happy reading!
Bronwyn Woff
ASHA Blog Editor
[email protected]